Due to the inclement weather this weekend, our Eucharistic Miracle exhibit will be postponed until a later date, to be determined. Stay tuned for more info!
St. Thomas Council awards Knight of the Month for January 2023 to Very Reverend Wilfred P. Labbe, V.F. Father Labbe has been a knight in the Knights of Columbus for the past 40 years.
Jan. 9 @ 6:30p - Did you know only 30% of Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist?! When we go to Mass, we aren't going through motions - it IS Jesus, he IS present, at transubstantiation the bread and wine ARE THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST. Please join us to learn more with a special guest Priest, Father Brian Clary January 9th 6:30pm(after 6p Mass)
The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council sponsored a Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest for the St. Thomas School students. The essay contest was open to sixth thru eighth graders. Martin M. McKeon, Director of Professional Development & Mentoring, at St. Thomas School coordinated the essay contest.