The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council has selected the Family of Rick and Rebecca Southwick as Family of the Month for the month of September 2022.
We created a video series to walk you through how to use the myParish App! We want to make sure you get the most out of this awesome resource. Here's the first video, how to download and setup the myParish App. Stay tuned for more features and tips! (click here to view)
Are you someone or do you know someone who . . . ⛪️Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? ⛪️Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? Click to find out more about RCIA!
Do you have new or gently-used good to donate to the Parish Fair? We will be accepting donations at the St Ignatius Gym this Saturday, September 10 9a-12p. We will also be selling raffle tickets during this time, at mass, and now you can buy them by clicking here!