All are invited to an Advent Holy Hour on November 27 at 1:00 PM. We gather on the first Sunday of Advent to adore the real and true presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and to be reminded of the themes of the Season. Come away for a while and wait, watch, and listen as we prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
Attention Eucharistic Ministers, a reminder for these important policy changes, which were covered during the trainings. Effective immediately: anyone bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the homebound or nursing homes must present their pyx prior to Mass and retrieve when they are called forward after communion. We will no longer place hosts in a pyx in the communion line. Everyone bringing communion to the homebound or to nursing homes must, following diocesan policy, have a background check, take part in a Protecting God’s Children program and be current on the monthly VIRTUS training. We must all do what we can to ensure our children and vulnerable adults are safe and that proper reverence is shown to the Blessed Sacrament. If you need to be commissioned as Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister, please contact Ashley Buxton at the parish office.
Today our community was visited by terrorism. To some this will seem overdramatic, to others it will be a reminder that evil is not always accompanied by violence. The cruel and traumatic hoax that was perpetrated at Sanford High School, this terrible act of cowardice caused every member of our community fear. It was also a reminder to each of us of the importance of making sure that our loved ones know the length and breadth of our love for them. Events like this highlight the need to constantly pray and work for peace in our homes, in our hearts, and in our world. As terrifying and infuriating as this hoax was, we were able to witness the courage and strength of our community and we have much for which we should be grateful. The teachers and the staff of the school made student safety a priority, first responders from the region arrived quickly and were ready to put their lives on the line to get our children out of harm’s way, and our students proved their ability to be strong in times of adversity. Finally, for those of us who are angry, for those of us who remain frightened, for those of us who remain confused and for those of us who wonder to whom we can turn now, there is an unshakeable foundation to which we can turn to find consolation in this moment. Tonight, before head hits the pillow let us all say a prayer to God in thanksgiving for keeping our children safe and asking His strength and power to bring and end to cruelty and violence in our world. For those of you who need additional support, please feel free to reach out to me. Spartan Strong! Our Lady Queen of Peace, Pray for us!
All are invited to an Advent Holy Hour on November 27 at 1:00 PM. We gather on the first Sunday of Advent to adore the real and true presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and to be reminded of the themes of the Season. Come away for a while and wait, watch, and listen as we prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
The St. Thomas Council, Knights of Columbus, have chosen the family of Patrick and Adele Demers to be recognized as family of the month for October 2022.