"Because of the sacredness of the funeral and its focus on the Paschal Mystery with its promise of salvation, music should be carefully chosen to reflect our shared beliefs, especially as articulated in the Word of God. Ultimately, the purpose of music in the funeral rites is to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. Thus, each funeral is linked with the common prayer and musical tradition of the whole Church, especially the psalms, which have, throughout the ages, expressed the suffering and hope of all God’s people. Secular music is not the appropriate accompaniment to the sacred liturgy because it cannot express fully these values of ultimate significance."
Families may make a musical recommendation from each category below (5 total: Entrance, Responsorial Psalm, Offertory, Communion, and Closing). All hymns and songs are from our missal, Breaking Bread, and should be approriate for the funeral liturgy. The music director will choose any remaining selections, or you may have him choose all of the selections.
Secular songs are inappropriate for the funeral liturgy; they are not permitted and will not be considered.
All musical recommendations are subject to approval by the pastor and the music director. The music minister is responsible for the placing of the musical selections in the funeral liturgy.
Please click on the links below to hear audio samples and to see additional information.
Grant Them Eternal Rest (Alstott)
Grant Them Eternal Rest (choir antiphon)
*see list below for more options (hymns/songs)
O Lord, Jesus Christ (choir antiphon)
*see list below for more options (hymns/songs)
Gift of Finest Wheat
Godhead Here in Hiding
I Am the Bread of Life
Lord, Who At Thy First Eucharist
May Light Eternal (choir antiphon)
Panis Angelicus (Franck, cantor)
Panis Angelicus (hymn tune: SACRIS SOLEMNIIS)
Shepherd of Souls
Soul of My Savior
*see list below for more options (hymns/songs)
Order of Christian Funerals, Procession to the Place of Committal, no. 176
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (hymn tune: DUKE STREET)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper)
In Paradisum (Latin chant)
May Angels Guide You (English chant)
May Flights of Angels (choir)
May the Angels Be Your Guide (choir)
Song of Farewell (Brown, choir)
Song of Farewell (Sands)
Abide with Me
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Is Well with My Soul
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid
Be Still, My Soul
Be Thou My Vision
Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (only during Easter season)
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
For All the Saints
Give Me Jesus
Here I Am, Lord
How Great Thou Art
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
J’irai la Voir un Jour (choir)
Keep in Mind
Lord of All Hopefulness
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Now the Green Blade Rises (only during Easter season)
O God Beyond All Praising
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
On Eagle’s Wings
Pour Ce Beau Jour (choir)
Prayer of St. Francis
Shepherd Me, O God
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
The Lord Is My Light (Walker)
The Strife Is O'er (only during Easter season)
What Wondrous Love Is This
Where My Father Lives
All above selections are found in Breaking Bread and are sung by the congregation (unless indicated as ‘choir’ or ‘cantor’). Please email the office if any of the links above become unavailable.
The funeral choir is present at all funerals; they are a volunteer choir and the presence of members depends on their availability. Guest musicians are permitted, but conditions must be approved by the pastor.
We encourage you to participate in the singing of the hymns. Thank you.